(4 hjerter) Politiken
"KLIMA-KLIMAKS. Anna Mendelssohn græder sig gennem sin enmands klimakonference - med fuldt overlæg og præcis doseret."
"Hun forstår at dosere. Med en godt ironisk undertone forstår
Mendelssohn at gennemspille sit tåre game. En raffineret orkestreret
balancegang på klimakatastrofens tynde is, der både afspejler hendes
helt autentiske smertende desperation over de smeltende poler og samtid
udstiller hele det omgivende økopolitiske emotionelle spil."
I aften kan du for sidste gang se forestillingerne:
Anna Mendelssohns CRY ME A RIVER - kl. 18.30.
Brina Stinehelfers SKYPE DUET - kl. 20.00.
ANNA MENDELSSOHN studied Acting in the UK at Dartington College of Arts and at Bretton Hall, School of Performing Arts. In 2004 she joined the company “toxic dreams” in Vienna and has since performed in more than 14 of their productions.
She has also worked with numerous other directors and choreographers.
Amongst others in 2005 with David Mayaan in the Wiener Festwochen
production The Family Table, in 2009 at Landestheater Linz with André
Turnheim (Venus im Pelz) and since 2008 she tours with SUPERAMAS in the
production Empire (Art&Politics).
In her own work she is
interested in the parallels between private-individual and
global-political events and herein especially the role of language and
In 2010 she created the award-winning and internationally successful soloCRY ME A RIVER.
STINEHELFER is the main creative force behind “Per Aspera Productions”.
She was born and raised in New York City, and completed 5 years of
conservatory training at the prestigious SUNY Purchase, graduating with
honors in 2004. Then she began her work as a performer, director, and
creator of interactive, mixed media, multidisciplinary, avant-garde
performance and theater, working and training in NY and internationally.
In spring 2008 she moved to Berlin, where she is currently based.
As a solo performance artist, she presents performance installations
and short narrative pieces in galleries in Berlin and across Europe. She
was a resident artist at 401Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, where she
was commissioned to create and perform over 30 interactive, site
specific performance pieces. As a theater collaborator and performer,
she specializes in devised and concept theater, and has worked with and
for companies such as GOB SQUAD, The Wooster Group, Post Theater, and
Nature Theater of Oklahoma, among others.